WG4 - Quality Control


General Tasks and Goals from the MOU

• Drafting and implementation of common Q/A and Q/C procedures.
• Characterisation and intercomparison of selected broadband radiometers.
• Creation of an European reference group of broadband radiometers.

Setteld Tasks

1. Questionnaire to evaluate which measuring instruments are mainly used for UV monitoring (June 2004)
2. Distribution of the questionnaire (each national Delegation, July 2004)
3. Analysis of answered questionnaires (October 2004)
4. Questionnaire on QA/QC procedures used in national networks
5. Multi-band UV filter radiometer inter-comparison at NRPA (Oslo, Norway), supported by WMO, 39 instruments, 4 spectro-radiometers, STSM from IMWM (Poland) and AUTH (Greece).
6. Preparing quality guidelines for UV broadband instruments:
A Practical Guide to Operating Broadband Instruments Measuring Erythemally Weighted Irradiance
Ann Webb, Julian Gröbner, Mario Blumthaler
(Produced by the joint efforts of WMO SAG UV and Working Group 4 of COST-726 Action “Long Term Changes and Climatology of UV Radiation over Europe”)
View/Download this Publication
7. Intercomparison of broad band devices at Davos 31. July to 26. August 2006
Impressions from the intercomparison.
8. Establishing a page web for UV monitoring networks in Europe.

WG Leader

1. GRÖBNER Julian (Switzerland)


WG Members

2. BAIS Alkiviadis (MC, Greece, Eoc)

3. BLUMTHALER Mario (PE, Austria, Eoc)

4. BROGNIEZ Colette (MC, France, Eoc)

5. de la CASINIERE Alain Chiron (MC, France, Eoc)

6. CHMELIK Miroslav (MC, Slovakia, Eoc)

7. FEISTER Uwe (MC, Germany, xxx)

8. JOHNSEN Bjørn (MC, Norway, Eoc)

9. JOSEFSSON Weine (MC, Sweden, Eoc)

10. KJELDSTAD Berit (MC, Norway, Eoc)

11. NAGY Zoltán (MC, Hungary, Eoc)

12. REDONDAS Alberto (MC, Spain, xxx)

13. TOTH Zoltán (MC, Hungary, Eoc)

14. VILAPLANA Jose Manuel (MC,Spain,Eoc)

15. VUILLEUMIER Laurent (MC, Switzerland, Eoc)

16. WEIHS Philipp (MC, Austria, Eoc)


17. BISZCZUK Julita (--, Poland, Eoc)

18. HÜLSEN Gregor (--, Switzerland, --)

19. ORBAEK Jon Borre (--, Norway, Eoc)

20. SIMIC Stana (--, Austria, Eoc)

21. SOBOLEWSKI Piotr (--, Poland, Eoc)

22. ZABLOCKI Grzegorz (--, Poland, Eoc)