Forecast of the UV-INDEX worldwide: =================================== valid for 06.10.2024 midday The UV-Index gives the intensity of the solar biologically-effective ultraviolet radiation under consideration of the total ozone concentration, the absorption of the atmosphere, the sea level of the site and the time of the year. On basis of the UV-Index the sun burn time for clear sky is calculated for sensitive skin (photobiological skin type 1 or 2). Site Country UV-Index Sun Burn Time (min) clear sky cloudy clear sky =========================================================================== Algier Algeria 5.4 2.7 24 Bagdad Iraqu 7.0 3.5 18 Bali Indonesia 14.1 7.0 9 Bangkok Thailand 11.6 5.8 11 Bogota Bolivia 14.2 7.1 9 Bridgetown Barbados 11.4 5.7 11 Buenos Aires Argentinia 8.8 4.4 15 Caracas Venezuela 12.1 6.0 10 Er-Riyad Saudi Arabia 10.8 5.4 12 Falkland Common Wealth 4.6 2.3 28 Honolulu Hawaii 10.7 5.3 12 Jerusalem Israel 7.7 3.8 17 Kairo Egypt 8.0 4.0 16 Kap Verde Capo Verde 11.3 5.6 11 Kapstadt South Africa 9.0 4.5 14 Los Angeles USA 7.1 3.5 18 Mahe Ceychelles 14.2 7.1 9 Male Maledives 13.5 6.7 9 Mexiko City Mexico 8.2 4.1 16 Miami USA 9.5 4.7 13 Moskau Russia 1.6 0.8 80 Nairobi Kenya 15.5 7.7 8 Neu Dehli India 8.7 4.3 15 New York USA 4.8 2.4 27 Papete Tahiti 12.2 6.1 10 Peking China 4.9 2.4 26 Qutio Ecuador 16.4 8.2 8 Rabat Marocco 6.2 3.1 21 Rio de Janeiro Brasilia 11.0 5.5 12 Sydney Australia 8.2 4.1 16 Santo Domingo Dominica 10.8 5.4 12 Tokyo Japan 6.4 3.2 20 Tunis Tunesia 5.6 2.8 23 Vienna Austria 3.0 1.5 43 Category of the UV-Index UV-Radiation ====================================== less then 4.0 low 4.0 to 6.9 moderate 7.0 to 8.9 high greather then 9.0 extreme (c) Unit of Medical Physics and Biostatistics Vetmeduni Vienna