Tor Håkon Sivertsen (Expert - WG1, WG4)

The Norwegian Crop Research Institute (Planteforsk)
Høgskoleveien 7 , NO-1432 Ås

List of Publications related to COST 726

Tor Håkon Sivertsen
Discussing the scientific method and a documentation system of meteorological and biological parameters
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth Special issue: Agrometeorology 2003 - Edited by Z. Dunkel, Vol 30/1-3 pp 35-43

Tor Håkon Sivertsen
Implementation of a general documentation system for web-based administration and use of historical series of meteorological and biological data
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth Special issue: Agrometeorology 2003 - Edited by Z. Dunkel, Vol 30/1-3 pp 217-222