MCM 12, 15. May 2009, Warzaw, Poland

Final Seminar, 13.&14. May 2009, Warzaw, Poland

Core Group Meeting Final Products, 12.&13. Febr. 2009, Krakow, Poland


MCM 11, September 2008, Roma, Italy

MCM 10 El Arenosillo, Spain 2008

Core Group Meeting, 11.&12. January 2008, Munich, Germany


1. Working group 1&2 Core Group Meeting (Brussels, 29.& 30.January 2007)

2. MCM 8, (29.-30. March 2007, Budapest,Hungary)

3. Joint symposium of ESP and COST 726
at the 12th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology, and WG3 Meeting: 3.& 4. September 2007, Bath, UK

4. MCM 9, 17. September 2007, Davos, Switzerland (Joint meeting to the Conference for the 100th aniversery, 18.-20.Sept.2007)


MCM 6 (Larnaca, Cyprus 2006)

WG3M 1 (Warzaw, Poland, 2006)

MCM 7, (Stockholm, Sweden 2006)
(Meeting joined to SPIE Conference 2006)


MCM 4 (Spinleruv Mlyn, Czech Rep., 2005)
(and Internal Workshop)

MCM 5 (Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany 2005)
(Joint meeting and presentations at ICB2005)

WG4M1 (Davos, Switzerland 2005)


MCM 1 (Brussels, Belgium, 2004)

MCM 2 (Kos, Greece, 2004)
(Meeting joined to the Quadrennial Ozone Symposium)

MCM 3 (Warzaw, Poland, 2004)


MCM 1 - Brussels, Belgium

29. March 2004



1. Welcome to participants
2. Adoption of the agenda
3. Presentation of delegates
4. General information on COST mechanism and on the funding co-ordination
5. Status of Action
6. Agreement on the internal rules of procedures for the COST 726 Management Committee and decision on Secretariat
7. Election of chairperson and Vice-Chairperson
8. Working plan for the implementation of the COST Action 726
9. Election of WG chairpersons
10. Date and place of the next meeting
11. Miscellaneous
12. Closure of the meeting


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MCM 2 - Kos, Greece

8. – 9. June 2004

This was a Meeting joined to the Quadrennial Ozone Symposium.



1. Welcome
2. Adoption of the Agenda
3. Adoption of the last MCM Minutes
4. Information on EoC Procedure
5. WG1-Chair Presentation and Discussion
6. WG3-Chair Presentation and Discussion
7. General Discussion (WG1 & WG3)
8. Miscelaneous
9. WG2-Chair Presentation and Discussion
10. WG4 Tasks and Discussion
11. WG2 & WG4 Discussion
12. General Discussion
13. Next Meeting
14. Miscelaneous
15. Closing

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MCM 3 - Warzaw, Poland

21. - 22. October 2004




1. Welcome of participants
2. Adoption of Agenda
3. Approval of the Minutes of 2nd meeting in Kos
4. Report from the Scientific Officer
5. Presentations by invited experts
• Anatoly Tsvetkov, Head of the World Radiation Data Centre - The WMO World Radiation Data Centre - 30 years of its activity
• Izabella Dyras, Vice-chairman of the Action 719 - The applications of GIS
• Henning Staiger - UV mapping
• Jean Verdebout - UV maping
• Alkis Bais - SCOUT – UV project
6. Reports of WG’s leaders on the responses to the questionnaires WG1, WG2, WG3, WG4
7. Organisation of the WGs:
a) Information from the MC delegates on the submission of members to different WGs: names with short information on the subject of interest and activities,
b) Consolidation of working groups and separate discussions,
c) Summary by WG’s leaders.
8. Joint discussion and plans
9. Year Budget planning
10. STSM status, applications
11. Date and place of the next MC meeting and Workshop
12. Long-term planning
13. Any other business
14. Closure of the meeting

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MCM 4 - Spinleruv Mlyn, Czech Rep.

18. - 19. April 2005



1. Welcome
2. Adoption of the Agenda
3. Approval of the Minutes of the 3rd meeting in Warsaw
4. Report from the Scientific Officer
5. The reports of the two STSM to JRC (Julita Biszczuk, Jose Manuel Vilaplana)
6. STMS applications
7. Plans for UHAN’s participation within COST
8. Report from the Conference on the Spatial Interpolation Techniques in the Climatology and Meteorology in Budapest, 25-28 October 2004.
9. Internal workshop
10a. The MBRF comparison in Oslo
10b. The future of the European Center on UV (ECUV)
11. The MCM5 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen
12. Long term planning
13. Any other Bussiness
14. Closure the meeting

Documents symbolized by a key require a password to be viewed.

The reports of the two STSM to JRC (Julita Biszczuk, Jose Manuel Vilaplana)

Report from the Conference on the Spatial Interpolation Techniques in the Climatology and Meteorology in Budapest, 25-28 October 2004.


WG1 Presentations

1. Hugo De Backer: ‘Work Group 1 (DATA): Overview of Activities’
2. Uwe Feister: ‘Basic Support for Cooperative Work (BSCW system)
3. Stelios Pashiardis: ‘COST726 – Datasets’

WG2 Presentations

1. Henning Staiger: ‘Method to Map Daily UV Doses.’
2. Aleksander Curylo: ‘UV Reconstruction’
3. Andreas Kazantzidis and Alkiviadis Bais: ‘UV Reconstruction at Thessaloniki’
4. Anna Pribullova: ‘First View on UV Reconstruction Models. Are statistical models appropriate for general (or only for local) application?’
5. Janusz Krzyscin: ‘IGF PAS Recent Activities within COST 726 – WG2’
6. Kajlu Eerme: ‘Empirical Reconstruction of Erythemal Doses Using Broadband Radiation Data’
7. Peter Koepke and Kristin Kober: ‘Erythemal Weighted UV Diurnal Dose Modelled for 1982 and 2002 with STARneuro‘
8. Philip Weihs: ‘Reconstruction of Erythemal Daily Doses‘
9. Josefson Weine: ‘STRÅNG - a Mesoscale Model for Solar Radiation’
10. Uwe Feister: ‘UV Radtiation Reconstruction’
11. Ann Cheymol and Hugo De Backer: ‘Study of aerosol effect on UV’

WG3 Presentations

1. Linda Nedbalova and Jaromir Lukavsy: ‘Adaptation to UV Stress in Algae’
2. Karel Ettler: ‘Harmful Effects of UV Radiation on the Human Skin’
3. Michal V. Marek and Mirka Šprtová: ‘Photosynthetic Assimilation of Norway Spruce Needles Under the Impact of Enhanced UV-B Radiation’

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MCM 5 - Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany

5. - 7. September 2005



This was a Meeting joined to International Congress of Biometeorolgy. Documents symbolized by a key require a password to be viewed.


1. Core Group Meeting
2. Participation and Presentations at the UV-Session of the Congress
3. Welcome
4. Adoption of the Agenda
5. Approval of the Minutes of the 4th meeting in Spindleruv Mlyn
6. Preliminary report on the NRPA multi-band filter radiometer inter-comparison and the two STSM missions (Chrysanthi Topaloglou and Grzegorz Zablocki) – Bjorn Johnsen
7. WGs chairmen reports and plans for future activities including discussion
8. Report from the Scientific Officer – Mr. Pavol Nejedlik
9. The structure of COST 726 web page – Alois Schmalwieser
10. Preliminary summary of the Workshop – Peter Koepke
11. Place and dates of MCM6 and MCM7
12. Any other business
13. Closure of the meeting

Social event: Joint evening walk TO "Almhütte": Photogallery


Presentations at the Congress --> Photogallery

1. M. Van Weele: Space-based surface UV monitoring for Europe using SCIAMACHY and MSG

2. H. Staiger: Global, WHO conform forecasts of UV index for sites by GSE PROMOTE

3. P. Koepke: UV exposure in Europe during the past

4. K. Eerme: "Variations of total solar radiation and estimated erythemal UV doses in Estonia during 1953-2004"

5. A.W. Schmalwieser: "A first approach of forcasting the vitamin D effective UV Radiation"


Poster presentations at the Congress --> Photogallery

6. J. Biszczuk et al.: The UV Measurements on the Henryk Arctowski Polish Antarctic Station

7. A. Curylo, Z. Litynska: A New Approach to the UV Reconstruction Modeling

8. Z. Litynska et al.: The UV INdex Forecasting and Nowcasting in Poland

9. A.W.Schmalwieser and G. Schauberger: Modelling the spatial distribution of the biologically effective radiation from measurements at certain sites

10. A.W. Schmalwieser, G. Schauberger, S. Simic, P. Weihs, M. Janouch: Comparison of spatial resolution, temporal resolution and measuring uncertainites of total ozone content as an input to calculate the erythemally effectibe UV radiation

11. G.R. Casale, N. Bono, A.M. Siani, M.G. Kimlin: Response of polysulphone dosimeters exposed under different environmental conditions

12. S. Simic et al.:

13. M. van Weele et al.: GSE PROMOTE: Surface UV Radiation

14. J. Verdebout and D. Rembges: A Satellite-Derived UV Climatology over Europe: Dataset ......


Additional Poster Presentations --> Photogallery

15. A. Lindfors, J. Kaurola: UV reconstruction method developed at FMI: description and first results

16. A. Cheymol, H. De Backer, A. Mangold, R. Lemoine and A. Delcloo: Impact of the Aerosol Optical Depth at Uccle (Belgium) on the UV index

17. A. Kazantzidis, A. F. Bais, D. S. Balis, E. Kosmidis, C. S. Zerefos: Variations of modeled solar UV irradiance using measured and standard vertical profiles of ozone and temperature

18. A. Kazantzidis, A. F. Bais: Estimation of daily erythemal UV dose at five European stations from measurements of solar irradiance, total ozone and snow observations: first results

19. Janusz W. Krzyscin: Reconstruction of the Surface UV Doses Available for any European Site and Action Spectrum since 1950


21. A.Pribullova: Reconstruction of UV-B time series

22. T. Sivertsen: Discussing the scientific method and documentation system of meteorological parameters

23. U. Wester: Polysulfon and spore-film UV-dosimeters compared to a UVI-monitoring instrument and two radiation transfer model systems for a UV-dosimetry study 2004 of preschool children

24. D. Grifoni, G. Carreras, F. Sabatini, G. Zipoli: Ultraviolet radiation and eyes damage: incident radiation on tilted surfaces under different environmental conditions


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WG4 Meeting - PMOD/WRC, Davos, Switzerland

21. - 22. October 2005


AGENDA - Topics to be discussed:

1) Operating procedures and calibration of broadband networks. Cooperation possibilities with WMO.

2) Broadband intercomparison and calibration campaign at PMOD/WRC in Summer/Fall 2006.

3) Creation of a reference group of national broadband filter radiometers at PMOD/WRC.

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MCM 6 - Larnaca, Cyprus

6. - 7. April 2006




1. Welcome to participants
2. Adoption of the agenda
3. Approval of the Minutes of MCM 5 (Garmsich) and WG4 Meeting (Davos)
4. Report of the Annual Grant Holder (B. Lapeta)
5. Report on the web-page (A. Schmalwieser)
6. Last results from SCOUT (A. Bais)
7. Report of the Modelling Exercise (P. Koepke) and reports from the modellers
P. Koepke - Overview
A. Curylo
X. Eerme
U. Feister
A. Kazantzidis
A. Lindfors
A. Pribullova
A. Schmalwieser
H. Slaper
H. Staiger
J. Verdebaut
P. Weihs
8. Meeting WG1 and WG2 (Modelling Exercise)
9. Meeting WG3 (Dissemination)
10. Meeting WG4 (Broadband intercomparison, Guidlines for broadband meter)
11. WG reports from the meetings and plans for the future
WG1 & WG2: H. de Baker
WG3: A. Schmalwieser
12. Place and dates of MCM7, MCM8 and MCM9
14. Any other business
15. Closure of the meeting


Impression from the Meeting and Larnaca --> Photogallery

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WG 3 Meeting 1 - Warzaw, Poland

8. - 9. June 2006





0. Welcome
1. An analysis of the answers to the Questionnaire, number of answers and interests on different action spectra functions (Alois Schmalwieser)
2. Biologically effective radiation (action spectra functions), an analysis and suggestions for a choice of a few action spectra to deal within COST 726 (Gaetano Zipoli )
3. Presentation of the Swedish “black box” (Ulf Wester)
4. On the positive effects of UV, i.e. photosynthesis of vit.D. (Karel Ettler)
5. E-Atlas: first discussion on content, form, accompanying information, ... (Alois Schmalwieser )
6. Booklet: first discussion in respect to content, information level, target group, ... (Zenobia Litynska)
7. Web-page: corrections, additions, ...(Alois Schmalwieser)
8. Plans for the future
9. Any other business 10. Closure of the Meeting


1. Alois Schmalwier: 'An analysis of the answers to the Questionnaire’
2. Gaetano Zipoli: Biologically effective radiation: analysis and suggestions for a choice of a few action spectra'
3. Ulf Wester: 'Presentation of the Swedish “black box”'
4. Karel Ettler: 'On the positive effects of UV'
5. Alois Schmalwier: 'E-Atlas: first discussion’
6. Zenobia Litynska: 'Booklet: A first discussion'

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MCM 7 - Stockholm, Sweden

11. to 13. September 2006


This was a Meeting joined to SPIE's Conference of Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere XI

PROGRAM: 11. & 12. September

1. Welcome
2. Adoption of the Agenda
3. Approval of the Minutes of the MCM6 and WG2 meetings in Larnaca, Cyprus, 6-7 April 2006 and of the WG3 Meeting Warsaw, Poland 8-9 June 2006.
4. Report on Annual Grant 2005-2006– Bozena Lapeta
5. New Annual Grant 2006-2007 - status, budget – Zenobia Litynska
6. Reports on the STSMs
   Anna Pribullova: “Compilation of results of the modeling exercise WG1 and WG2" 
   Janusz Krzyscin: “Evaluation of the performance of the UV reconstruction models examined using Taylor Diagram" 
   Mario Blumthaler: “Spectral UV measurements during the broadband intercomparison at PMOD"
   José Manuel Vilaplana Guerrero: “Technical assistance in the PMOD/WRC broadband calibration campaign" 
7. Report on the web page – Alois Schmalwieser 
8. “Access to the WRDC database for COST-726” – Anatoly Tsvetkov 

9. Seperate Meetings of WG1&WG2, WG3 and WG4
10. WG Chairmen reports and plans for future activities
   WG1 – H. de Backer 
   WG2 – P. Koepke 
   WG3 – Alois Schmalwieser 
   WG3 – Exercise on Spectral Resolution: G.Zipoli 
   WG4 – J. Groebner 
11. Place and date for MCM8
12. Any other business
13. Closure of the meeting

PROGRAM: 13. September
Presentations at the Conference of Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere XI

List of presentations:
For a detailed list of Presentations klick here.


Impression from the Meeting: -> Photogallery

Impression from Stockholm: -> Photogallery

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WG1&WG2 core group meeting, Brussels, Belgium

29-30 January 2007



Draft agenda:

1. Welcome & opening of the meeting
2. Adoption of the agenda:
3. Presentations & discussions (input parameters):
    Ozone model (J. Krzyzcin)
    Useful satellite data (J. Verdebout)
    ERA-40 CMF's (Kaurola/Lindfors)
    NCAR/NCEP CMF's (J. Krzyzcin)
4. Presentations and discussions (models and mapping)
    Mapping of UV values (H. Staiger, J. Verdebout)
5 Discussion on the selection of procedures to be used to make the UV maps
    Model intercomparisons & model selection (A. Pribulova)
6 Closure of the meeting

  1. J. Krzyzcin: Total Ozone Data Base for COST-726
 2. Kaurola/Lindfors: ERA-40 Clouds for UV calculations
 3. J. Krzyzcin: Cloud Information derived from NCAR/NOAA Reanalysis-1 Data Base: Comparison with the Real Data
 4. Henning Staiger: Mapping of UV values: DWD’s method
 5. J. Verdebout: Potential use of the MSG derived UV climatology
 6. A. Pribullova: UV-radiation model intercomparison and selection

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MCM 8 - Hungary

29. - 30. March 2007


Draft agenda:

1. Welcome
2. Adoption of the Agenda
3. Approval of the Minutes of the MCM7 meeting and workshop joint with SPIE 2006 UV session in Stockholm, Sweden, 11-13 September 2006
4. Report on the WG1 + WG2 Meeting in January 2007 – Hugo de Backer, Peter Köpke
5. Approval of the Minutes of WG1 + WG2 meeting in Brussels, January 2007
6. Report on the web page – Alois Schmalwieser
7. WG3 – presentations ...
8. WG4 – presentations ...
9. WGs separate Meetings
10. WGs plans for future activities – WGs chairmen
11. Plans for publications in 2007
12. Plans for the two years Actions budget – Zenobia Litynska
13. Information on the UV Conference adjoined to the MCM9 Meeting in Davos, Switzerland – Julian Groebner
14. Any other business
15. Closure of the meeting

1.Report on the web-page (A. Schmalwieser)
2.Report from WG1+WG2 (H. De Baker, P. Koepke)
3.Report from WG3 (A. Schmalwieser)
4.Report from WG4-1 (J.Gröbner)
5.Report from WG4-2 (J.Vuilleumier)
6.Report from WG4-3 (G.Hülsen)
7. WG1+2 plans for the future (H. De Baker, P. Koepke)
8. WG3 plans for the future (A. Schmalwieser)
9. WG4 plans for the future (J.Gröbner)
10. Presentation on the Swedish UV Climatology (U. Wester)
11. Presentation of the UV Reconstruction in Norway (J.Olseth)
12. Information on the UV Conference adjoined to the MCM9 Meeting in Davos (J.Gröbner)
13. Proposal for a new COST Action (A.Bais)


Impression from the Meeting: -> Photogallery

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Joint symposium of ESP and COST 726
at the 12th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology, 1.-6.Sept., Bath, UK
Link to the conference web-page
WG3 Meeting: 3.& 4. September 2007, Bath, UK

"A reconstruction of the past UV climatology over Europe for photobiological studies"
Symposium joint with the EU Programme COST 726, 4.Sep.2007
Chair: Gaetano Zipoli (Firenze, ITA)
9:45 (IL316): COST 726: Long term changes and climatology of UV radiation over Europe Alois W. Schmalwieser (Vienna, AUT)
10:15 (IL317): Quality of UV measurements Mario Blumthaler (Innsbruck, AUT)
10:45 (IL318): Modeling UV radiation in the past: achievements and limitations Peter Koepke1, Jean Verdebout2 (1Munich, GER; 2Ispra, ITA)
11:15 (IL319): The role of action spectra in determining the biologically effective UV radiation Gaetano Zipoli, Daniele Grifoni (Firenze, ITA)
11:45 (OC320): Exploring the details of UV irradiances, human exposure and dosimetry Richard Kift, Liam McNulty, Lucy Bunhill, Marie Durkin, Donald Allan, Jacqueline Berry, Lesley E. Rhodes, Ann R. Webb (Manchester, GBR)
12:00 (OC321): Reconstructed long-term erythemal irradiance over Europe from measurements of solar irradiance and total ozone Andreas Kazantzidis1, Alkiviadis Bais1, Peter Den Outer2, Harry Slaper2, Tapani Koskela3, Uwe Feister4, M. Woldt4 (1Thessaloniki, GRE; 2Bilthoven, NED; 3Jokioinen, FIN; 4Lindenberg, GER)
12:15 (OC322): Photoprotection and skin cancer prevention in the Czech caucasion population Michal Janouch, Karel Ettler (Hradec Kralove, CZE)
12:30 (OC323): UVBE maps for Poland – preliminary results for selected action spectra Zenobia Litynska1, Aleksander Curylo1, Bozena Lapeta2, Julita Biszczuk1, Janusz Krzyscin3, Barbara Bogdanska3, Jakub Walawender2 (1Legionowo, 2Krakow, 3Warsaw, POL)

Poster session (3.Sep.2007, 14:00-16:00)
P619: First experiences in using broadband instruments and electronic personal dosimeters designed for erythemally effective UV radiation to measure the vitamin D effective UV radiation Alois W. Schmalwieser1, Peter Koepke2 (1Vienna, AUT; 2Munich, GER)
P622 Clear sky UV simulations in the 21st century based on CCM predictions Kleareti Tourpali1, Alkiviadis Bais1, Andreas Kazantzidis1, Neal Butchart2, Christoph Brühl3, Martin Chipperfield4, Martin Dameris5, M. A. Giorgetta6, U. Langematz7, Eva Mancini8, E. Manzini9, Gianni Pitari8, E. Rozanov10 (1Thessaloniki, GRE; 2Exeter, 4Leeds, GBR; 3Mainz, 5Oberpfaffenhofen, 6Hamburg, 7Berlin, GER; 8L'Aquila, 9Bologna, ITA; 10Davos, SUI)

WG3 Meeting (3. Sept., 2007, 16:00-19:00)

1. Welcome
2. Adoption of the Agenda
3. Presentations on actual WG3 research problems
4. Discussion and research plans
5. Publication of ESP-COST Symposium presentations
6. Draft program for Summer School 2008
7. Closure

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MCM 9 - Davos, Switzerland

17.-20. September 2007

Joint meeting to the Conference for the 100th aniversery, 18.-20.Sept.2007


MCM9 - Agenda
Monday, 17 September 2007, 8:30 – 17:30h

1. Welcome.
2. Adoption of the Agenda.
3. Approval of the Minutes of the MCM8 29-30 March 2007, Budapest, Hungary.
4. Plans for publications in 2007.
5. Actions budget for Annual Grant June 2007/ May 2008.
6. Place and date of MCM10.
7. Any other business.
7.1 Request of Natalia Chubarova to join the Action 726
Coffee break: 10:00 – 10:15
8. Workshop on actual Actions research problems.
Lunch: 12:15 – 14:00
Workshop - continuation
Coffee break: 16:00 – 16:15
Workshop – discussion, future plans
9. Closure

Workshop Program:

Part 1: 10.15-12.15; Presentations 1-6
Part 2: 14-16;
14-15 Presentation 7,8,9, discussion on the UV mapping and change
15-16 The remaining presentations 10-14,
Part 3: 16.15 -17.30; Final discussion, future plans.

1. Z. Litynska a. A. Curylo, B. Lapeta, J. Walawander: On the choice of the solar radiation data series for reconstructed UV climatology. – 10 minutes
2. A. Tsvetkov: The modernization of WRDC system, access to data. – 10 minutes
3. J. Verdebout: Reconstructed UV maps. – 20 minutes
4. H. Staiger: UV reconstruction exercise 2000 + 2001: Modeling, empirical validation, and some aspects of mapping. – 30 minutes
5. A. Pribullova: UV-radiation climatology over Slovakia. – 15 minutes
6. Z. Litynska, B. Lapeta, A. Curylo, J. Biszczuk, J. Walawander: Preliminary reconstructed UV maps for Poland on the data series 1999-2001. – 15 minutes
7. J.Walawender: The use of GIS for visualisation and public dissemination of UV radiation products. – 15 minutes
8. U. Wester: The E-mail Atlas system in Sweden. – 10 minutes
9. J. Krzyscin: Problems of the choice of the method for the trends calculations. – 15 minutes
10. Z. Toth: Visibility and aerosol optical depth in UV, VIS and solar spectral Range. – 10 minutes
11. K. Eerme: Variations of daily sums of global radiation and cloud amount at Tartu Observatory site in 1955-2006. – 10 minutes
12. I. Medhaug: Reconstruction of UV radiation and its potential implications on development of skin cancer. – 10 minutes
13. J. Biszczuk a. Z. Litynska: UV radiation weighted with action spectra: erythemal, previtamin D3, SCUP-H against total ozone and solar zenith angle. – 10 minutes
14. B. B. Sjxlingstad: Reconstruction of UV radiation: UV exposure of the Arcto-Norwegian cod egg population 1957 - 2005. – 10 minutes


Joint meeting to the Conference for the 100th aniversery, 18.-20.Sept.2007
1) Information on the UV Conference adjoined to the MCM9 Meeting in Davos by J.Gröbner (pdf)
2) Link to the conference web-page

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Core Group Meeting WG1, WG2, WG3
Munich, Germany

11. and 12. January 2008

Friday, 11. January 2008, 13:00 – 18:30
1. Welcome
2. Adoption of the agenda
Final modeling for UV in the past:
3. Products (Quantity, temporal, spatial resolution)
4. Ozone data
5. Aerosol data
Coffee break: 15:30 -16:00
6. Cloud information
7. Albedo information
8. Altitude effect
Saturday, 12. January 2008, 9:00 – 17:00
Final modeling for UV in the past:
9. Interpolation
Decision on final products of the action
10. Spectral and weighted UV
11. e-atlas
Coffee break: 10:30 -10:45
12. Report
13. Booklet
14. Work schedule
Lunch break: 13:00 - 14:30
Discussion on derivates
15. Trends
16. Combinations with GISS
17. Others
Coffee break: 15:30 -15:45
18. Plans for Publications
19. Any other business
20. Closure

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MCM 10
El Arenosillo, Spain

10 - 11 April, 2008

Draft agenda:

Thursday, 10. April 2008, 9:00 – 15:00
1. Welcome
2. Adoption of the agenda
3. Adoption of the Minutes of MCM9 and WG3
4. Decisions from the core group meeting in Munich – Peter Koepke
5. Adoption of the Minutes of WG1/2/3 core group meeting
6. New information on input data – Hugo de Backer
7. Report STSM Anders Lindfors, by Jussi Kaurola
8. 10:15 – 10:30: Opening ceremony undertaken by the Director of INTA and local officials
9. Coffee break 10:30 – 11:00
10.New results from UV modelling and interpolation – Peter Koepke
   Last UV mapping developments – Jean Verdebout
   About uncertainties of solar CMF derived from interpolated maps – Henning Staiger
   New information on aerosol aspects – Natalia Chubarova
   Long-term variability of surface UV from the reconstructed time series – Janusz Krzyscin
11.Coffee break 12:30 – 13:00
12.13:00 - 15:30 Separate Core Group and WG4 meetings

Friday, 11. April 2008, 9:00 – 15:00
13.Decisions on final products of the action – Peter Koepke
  - Spectral and weighted UV
  - e-atlas, report, booklet
14.Coffee break 10:30 – 11:00
15.Other STSM reports:
  - Iolanda Ialongo
  - Gregor Hülsen, Grzegorz Zablocki by Jose Manuel Vilaplana Guerrero
16.Presentation - The general aspects of the UV-Broadband Calibration Campaign of “EL Arenosillo” during September 2007 - Antonio Serrano
17.Information from COST Office - Kerstin Wilde
18.Coffee break 12Coffee break 12:30 – 13:00
19.Preliminary work plan of the Action for June 2008 – June 2009 –Bozena Lapeta
  - Application for prolongation the end date
  - Information on summer school – Alois Schmalwieser
  - Place and dates of MCM11 (autumn 2008) and MCM12 with a Workshop (spring 2009)
20.Any other business

Social program:
10.April 2008: Off-site tourism activities 17:30: Tourist visit to “Villa de Moguer”, a place of cultural interest. The town Hall of Moguer would also like to invite you to enjoy a glass of wine them.
11.April 2008: Off-site tourism activities 17:30: Tourist visit to the “Muelle Carabelas”, an important place of cultural interest where you can see where Columbus set sail to the Americas from, and also replicas of the boats used.

Impression from the Meeting: -> Photogallery

Impression from El Arenosillo, Huelva,...: -> Photogallery

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MCM 11
Rome, Italy

18. - 19. September, 2008

Draft agenda:

1. Welcome
2. Adoption of the agenda
3. Adoption of the Minutes of MCM10
4. New results from UV modelling, interpolation, mapping (presentations) – Peter Koepke
   4.1 Overview and Report – Peter Koepke
   4.2 Status of maps reconstruction using ERA40 data – Jean Verdebout
   4.3 Cross validation and homogenisation of daily Solar Cloud Modification Factors (SOL-CMF) – Henning Staiger
   4.4 COST-726: 1958 - 2004 gridded daily Solar Cloud Modification Factors (SOL-CMF) – Henning Staiger
   4.5 An updated aerosol climatology over Europe from MODIS/AERONET datasets – Natalia Chubarova
   4.6 Ozone – Janusz Krzyscin
   4.7 Reconstruction of effective UV: comparing various input sources and weighted UV from seven wavelength bands – Harry Slaper
   4.8 WELCOME TO WORLD RADIATION DATA CENTER(WRDC)2008:-44Years of Activity. – Anatoly Tsvetkov
   4.9 Quality checks and quality assurance of measurements of global solar irradiance – Uwe Feister
   4.10 Aerosol Optical Depth Aerosol Optical Depth measurements in the Azoresmeasurements in the Azores - Fernanda Carvalho
5. News from the Report, e- atlas and booklet
6. News on Summer School
7. Publications
8. Information on Annual Grant and Work plan
10. Place and dates of the Core Group meeting and the MCM12 with the final Workshop
11. Any other business

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Warzaw, Poland

13.&14. May, 2009


Wednesday, 13 May
915 Opening of the Seminar
Zenobia Litynska: Welcome, Introduction (basic information on COST 726 organization and activity)
Carine Petit:- Greetings by Cost Office
Peter Koepke: Climatology of UV radiation over Europe: Needs and approach
1000 – 1030 Coffee break
Presentations by COST 726 members and experts
Session I
1030 – 1045: H. De Backer: Overview of WG1 Activities on input data for UV-map
1045 – 1100: J. Krzyscin: Update of the COST 726 Total Ozone Data Base up to December 31, 2008
1100 – 1115: A. Tsvetkov: Data QC experience at the WRDC.
1115 – 1130: K. Eerme: Comparison of the daily direct irradiance and sunshine duration.
1130 – 1145: N. Chubarova: Aerosol over Europe and its impact on UV irradiance.
1145 – 1200: L. Vuilleumier: Distribution and evolution of surface reflectivity and regional snow cover in Switzerland between 1980 and 2008.
12 – 14 Lunch
Session II
1400 – 1430: P. Koepke: Aspects of modeling UV radiation
1430 – 1500: J. Verdebout: Method for producing the COST 726 maps and illustration of the result
1500 – 1530 Coffee break
1530 – 1545: Staiger: Climatology based downscaling targeting at improved spatial resolution of COST 726 SOL-CMF’s
1545 – 1600: L. Vuilleumier: All-sky model for erythemal ultraviolet radiation (UV) in Switzerland
1600 – 1620: H. Slaper: Comparison of measured and modelled UV-radiation to validate ground and satellite based approaches for COST 726 UV-reconstruction methods
1620 – 1640: J. Krzyscin: Modelling of the Long-Variability of the Erythemaly Weighted UV Radiation over Europe within Framework of the COST 726 Action

1640 – 1800 Poster Session
Final Seminar posters:
1. F. Carvalho: Estimation of UV radiation time series in Portugal.
2. A. Pribullova, M. Chmelik: Estimation of UV radiation long-term variability over Slovakia.
3. M. Janouch: Long-term changes and climatology of UV-radiation in the Czech Republic.
4. P. Sobolewski: Homogenization of the UV measurements taken at the Belsk Observatory, 1976-2007.
5. B. Johnsen: Intercomparison and harmonization of UV Index measurements from multiband filter radiometers.
6. N. Chubarova: UV reconstructions over Moscow based on different model approaches and their comparison with the measurements.
7. J. Kaurola: On the usability of the ERA-40 re-analysis in the estimation of past surface UV radiation.
8. G. Zipoli, D. Grifoni: Action spectra affect variability in the climatology of biologically effective UV radiation (UVBE)
9. A. M. Siani: Polysulphone dosimetry: a tool for personal exposure studies.
10. U. Wester, J. Gulliksson: Recurrent investigation on tanning and outdoor habits for an indicator of UV-exposure.

Posters referring to the COST 726 Action, presented at different Conferences in 2008:
1. J. Krzyscin: Modelling of the Long-term Variability of Surface UV Radiation for Selected European Stations within Framework of the COST 726 Action.
2. M. Janouch: Modelling of UV Spectra with the Help of Neural Networks – long term changes.
3. J. A. Olseth: Reconstruction of UV-radiation in Norway.
4. A. Curylo: UV reconstruction algorithm and diurnal cycle variability
5. F. Carvalho: UV Index estimation from global radiation and total ozone observations in Azores
6. P. Sobolewski: Long-term UV variations over the Svalbard Archipelago from the Measurements at the Polish polar Station, 1996-2007.
7. J. M. Vilaplana, A. Redondas: Brewer, Dobson and Broadband combined calibration campaign held at INTA – El Arenosillo. Summer 2007.
8. B.Lapeta, J.Walawender, A.Curylo, J.Biszczuk, Z.Litynska, J.Krzysin and B.Bogdanska: Climatology of UV biologically effective radiation in Poland
9. J. Biszczuk-Jakubowska, Z. Litynska, A. Curylo: UV radiation weighted with action spectra: erythemal, previtamin D3, against total ozone and solar zenith angle
10. J. A. Olseth: UV-radiation and skin cancer in Norway.

Thursday, 14 May
Session III
900 – 930: A. Schmalwieser: Report of WG3
930 – 945: M. Zempila: Calculations of the human Vitamin D exposure from UV spectral measurements at three European stations.
945 – 1000: J. Walawender: Spatial and temporal variability of UVBE radiation over Poland
Session IV
1000 – 1030: J. Groebner: European UV Quality Assurance Program (WG4)
1030 – 1045: P. den Outer: Reconstruction of UV-radiation doses for the past four decades using models and measurements
1045 – 1100: J. A. Olseth: Measured and modelled UV radiation in Norway.
1100 – 1130 Coffee break
1130 – 1145: I. Ialongo: Surface UV radiation, total ozone and aerosol monitoring by means of satellite and ground-based instruments at Rome
1145 – 1205: G. Seckmeyer: UV in Europe and New Zealand - results with contributions from Hannover published in the years 2005-2008
1205 – 1220: Zenobia Litynska, Peter Koepke: Climatology of UV radiation over Europe: Conclusions and prospects
1220 – 1240: Discussion
1240: Zenobia Litynska: Thanks and closer


Impression from the Final Seminar: -> Photogallery

Impression from the Poster Session: -> Photogallery

Impression from the Excursion: -> Photogallery

Impression from the Dinner: -> Photogallery

Group: -> Photo of all particpants

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MCM 12
Warzaw, Poland

15. May, 2009

Draft agenda:

0. Welcome to participants
1. Adoption of agenda
2. Minutes of last meeting
3. Matters arising
4. Report from the COST Office
5. Final reports of working groups (WGs leaders)
6. STSM status
7. Publications, dissemination and outreach activities
8. Non-COST country participation
9. The COST 726 data base: how and where it could be preserved for the European scientific community?
10. The future of the COST 726 webpage?
11. Prospect in UV activity after COST 726
12. AOB
13. Closing


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