Accompanying Publications (related to WG 3)

Please note that the access of the viewable publications (pdf) is restricted to the national delegates of COST 726 for discussions and decissions within COST 726. More will come soon.

Ozone and spatial and temporal resolution of biol. eff. UV radiation
A.W. Schmalwieser, G.Schauberger, M.Janouch.,
Temporal and spatial variability of total ozone content over Central Europe: analysis in respect to the biological effect on plants,


Schmalwieser A. W. , Schauberger, Günther Weihs, Philipp; Stubi, Rene; Janouch, Michal; Coetzee, Gerrie J. R.; Simic, Stana,
Preprocessing of total ozone content as an input parameter to UV Index forecast calculations,


Modelling and Forecasting the (biol. eff.) UV radiation
A.W. Schmalwieser, G. Schauberger, M. Januch, M. Nunez, T. Koskela, D. Berger, G. Karamanian, P. Prosek and K. Laska.
Global validation of a forecast model for irradiance of the solar, erythemally effective UV radiation,

Spatial Resolution, Spatial Modelling and Visualizing the (biol. eff.) UV radiation
A. W. Schmalwieser, G. Schauberger
A monitoring network for erythemally-effective solar ultraviolet radiation in Austria: determination of the measuring sites and visualisation of the spatial distribution

Measureing biologically effective UV radiation
A. Bais, C. Topaloglou, S. Kazadtzis, M. Blumthaler, J. Schreder,A. Schmalwieser, D. Henriques and M. Janouch
Report of the LAP/COST/WMO: Intercomparison of Erythemal Radiometers (Thessaloniki, Greece, 13-23 September 1999),
WMO-Report No.141, Geneva, Switzerland, 2001.

Alois W. Schmalwieser: