If altitude is >1km the following correction should be applied:
AOT=AOT / (altitude[km])^1.65
If you have any questions/comments, please, contact by email:
Reference 1: Last Update: May 2009,
The COST 726 Aerosol Climtology consists of one data file (ascii).
The file contains
Lon, Lat and 12 values of AOT at 308nm for each month ( from Jan to Dec).
The format is: 14F12.2
Angstrom coefficient: 1
Single scattering albedo: 0.94
Asymmetry factor: 0.75
This climatology is free for non-comercial use.
In any application aknowledgement has to be given to the Action COST726 (
and to Dr. N.Chubarova.
In case of publication additional reference 1 (see below) has to be citated.
In any other case:
you have to contact the developer: N.Chubarova
Ascii file (0,5 MB)
N.Y. Chubarova et al. (2009)
Seasonal distribution of aerosol properties over Europe and their
impact on UV irradiance
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 2, 593–608
Download the paper
by A.W.Schmalwieser