COST Action 726:
"Long term changes and climatology of UV radiation over Europe"
The main objective of the Action is:
to advance the understanding of UV radiation distribution under various meteorological conditions in Europe in order to determine UV radiation climatology and assess UV changes over Europe.
Since UV solar radiation plays an important role in many processes in the biosphere, including the influence on human organisms and may be very harmful if UV exposure exceeds "safe" limits, the knowledge of biologically effective UV radiation doses and their geographical distribution and climatology in Europe is crucial for the European population, which will be addressed as the main end user of the Action.
To achieve its general objective, the Action has the following practical objectives:
1· to inventory available solar radiation data sets, including UV data, spectral and broadband, ancillary data (ozone, clouds, sunshine etc.) and available satellite data,
2· to advance the understanding of UV reconstruction models for the calculations of UV climatology and assessment of UV changes,
3· to advance the understanding of biological UV radiation climatology and changes in Europe,
4· to advance the understanding of UV influence on ecosystem, both on the basis of climatology and changes of selected effective UV radiation doses in Europe,
5· to use the advanced knowledge under the points above, in order to elaborate a comprehensive analysis and information basis, addressed to beneficiaries,
Additionally, special attention should be paid to application of QC/QA procedures for the UV measurements with broadband instruments. To get homogeneity of the broadband data, an additional objective is:
6· to create an European reference group of broadband radiometers.
The major benefits of the Action will be a geographically broader and scientifically deeper knowledge of the climatology of UV radiation and of selected biologically effective UV radiation doses across Europe.
The main beneficiaries will be the public, researchers in atmospheric and medical sciences as well as authorities and policy makers.
(Source: Memorandum of Understanding)
Download: Memorandum of Understanding (156kb)